Where I can help…

Some areas I cover...

You may feel you know what is troubling you and what areas you need help with. Equally, it is also ok if you are not sure, we generally find that this is something which the counselling work will uncover.


Can refer to many areas, such as childhood abuse, relationship abuse, workplace abuse, all of which leave the victim feeling helpless, frightened and alone. This doesn’t have to continue, by talking this through with a professional counsellor you can find support and strength to bring about change.


Such as gambling addiction, alcohol addiction, shopping addiction, cosmetic addiction, work addiction, sex addiction, porn addiction are some examples of things one may find they have little or no control over doing, taking or using to the point where it could be harmful to you.

Therapy can help you look at your life and all the factors that brought you to your addiction(s). It may not be easy but it will be worth it.


This can cover a large area such as Social anxiety, Separation anxiety, Specific Phobias, Panic Disorder, General feelings of anxiety.  Having someone to share these feeling with often leads to a greater understanding of how one can lessen the control these obstacles have over our lives.


A recent death of someone, or one which may have occurred many years ago or perhaps one which may be anticipated can all bring a mixture of emotions which can be challenging and difficult to talk about to family or friends. Therapy can offer a nonjudgmental space to explore these feelings and provide relief.


Can be any mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of depressed mood or sadness and an often profound loss of interest in things that usually bring pleasure. Such as postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder, persistent depressive disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, Atypical depression

Identity issues...

Developing a sense of self or an identity is an essential part of every individual becoming mature. This is something which can take time and be challenging but it should not be something which has to be faced alone. Such issues can occur at any point in your life and may be classified by any number of things such as religion, gender, race or ethnicity. Perhaps you're unsure who you really are, or who you’d like to be, there may be confusion about your social role, a loss of connection to your personality. Counselling can bring clarity to this.


Throughout our lives we are faced with many losses, often not realising their full impact. We may have lost our childhood due to circumstances out of our control, lost our career, lost our identity perhaps through a divorce, or a disability, lost the opportunity of parenthood, lost our right to self-expression, lost our dreams and aspirations. If this grief is not worked through it can create difficulties in our everyday life.

Post-traumatic stress...

Is an anxiety disorder caused by very stressful, frightening or distressing events which are often relived through nightmares and flashbacks, and may cause feelings of isolation, irritability and guilt. This may have arisen after a serious road accident, sexual assault, childbirth experience, or from a repeated experience of a traumatic situation such as childhood neglect, abuse or violence. There is no set time when symptoms may manifest, it could be immediately after the experience or may not develop until years later.  Counselling can gently and safely guide you out of this isolating and difficult place.


The most important relationship we must foster is with ourselves. This will allow us to develop a more authentic and secure relationship with others. If you are struggling with either a family, friendship, romantic, professional or self-relationship then counselling will provide a neutral space to examine the relationship dynamics.


Describes a person’s overall sense of self-worth or personal value. Too little self-esteem can leave you feeling defeated or depressed leading to poor choices, destructive relationships, or failing to live up to your full potential. On the other hand, too much self-esteem can lead to a grandiose sense of self-importance which can be a sign of narcissistic personality disorder (characterised by an excessive need for admiration and lack of empathy towards others). Being able to look at ourself within the therapeutic relationship we form with our counsellor will provide the opportunities to come to a healthier balance in how we see ourselves.


Is putting your own life at risk.  When you hurt yourself as a way of dealing with very difficult feelings, painful memories or overwhelming situations and experiences. It may feel difficult to talk to your GP or tell someone about this but it’s very important that you do. Talking to a therapist over time about your thoughts and feeling can help you see how your behaviour and wellbeing can be affected by these things.


Is how we perceive ourselves as a sexual being. Its components are biological gender, gender identity, gender role and sexual orientation. These components can, at times, make it difficult for us to engage in a healthy emotional and mental relationship with ourselves and others. Talking to a counsellor, who is non-judgemental and open to listening to your feelings can help you overcome any difficulties you may be facing.


Can come from events or experiences in our past or from more recent or present day situations.  Counselling can offer a space to understand the connections between the trauma experienced and the emotional and behavioural response you have to it.  Together we can find skills and strategies to assist you in better understanding, coping and processing your emotions/memories tied to traumatic experiences. The end goal is to enable you to create a healthier and more adaptive meaning of the experience.
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